Ho hum...this thing is really starting to feel like that effing box of Creative Memories scrapbook shit I bought back in 2000........to blog or not to blog that is the question? Guess I'll plod on tonight since I already started, right?
I saw The Departed last night. Loved it. Normally wouldn't go for such a shoot 'em up flick, but I guess hearing Matt with his perfect Boston accent and looking at Marky Mark with a mushroom haircut made me happy. You should see it, does Beantown proud. Made me wish I was in the Irish Mafia.....did anyone catch that Leonardo DiCaprio's character "living on the Nawth Shawe" was living in Bevalee? I read it right on the Oxycontin pill bottle. I think the writer's should have researched a little better because Bevalee is no longer privileged, it's more like Lynn, and Lynn is more like East Boston, now when Hamilton becomes Peabody, we've got a real problem!
The Hood is in a state of duress.....appears that a neighbor is erecting a non-compliant/non-approved shed. That's right, you read it here first folks! Trouble in da Hood! Know what I love when my bra is poking me at 3:00 in the afternoon, so I decide to throw caution to the wind and just take it off....then I go outside to grab the mail, braless and shoeless and I see like everyone in within a 20 mile radius? That rocks. Note to self: don't take bra off at 3:00 in the afternoon and then go get the mail.
Tomorrow begins another exciting season of soccer. I'm one of "those" parents. Soccermom, you think? Nope, over scheduling Mom. Tomorrow R will attend school from 9-2, home from 2:30-3:30 to eat a snack, unwind, then get dressed for swim team. Swim team from 4-4:45, then sitting in the lobby at the Y with Mammy eating a sandwich dressed in her soccer clothes, then it's a mad dash from the Y at 5:30 (the time I get done with practice) to soccer at least 30 minutes away from 6-7. Fun, huh? Luckily she'll only be doing swim team and soccer on Thursdays, and she has nothing on Friday, no school, nothing. I can say with certainty that she will not be doing two afternoon activities next year, kindergarten will nip that scheduling conflict in the bud!
Speaking of Kindergarten we go for the tour of the school Friday (ok, so I lied we do have something to do), that should be fun, we were supposed to go a few weeks ago, but I totally spaced and missed the whole thing. Nice, not like me at all.
C has been a little spit fire these days. Tantrums and turning on the tears at the drop of a hat. It'll be fun to see her play soccer this season now that she knows what to expect. She's a riot at her swimming lesson, just floats along, in her own world then she'll catch my eye as I walk by and wave madly.
Well that's about it, I might shut this down, I'm not sure yet.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
This is the title.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Having visitors sucks.
Because they leave, and that makes me sad. :( When you see people that you haven't seen in ages, you realize how much you miss them, and that sucks.
Going back to anti-socialness, it's far less upsetting.
BTW: R took this picture, not bad for an almost 5 year old.
Posted by
3:17 PM
Thursday, February 1, 2007
In case you were wondering....
The Target Gift Cards have been located! That's right, Internet, THEY ARE NO LONGER MISSING. Cancel your search, leave the dump, cease checking the garbage. AGAIN...to REPEAT....THE TARGET GIFT CARDS HAVE BEEN LOCATED!
The culprit is Winnie the Pooh. Apparently Mr. Pooh took the gift cards and decided to stash them with his ABC cards, he's in BIG TROUBLE.
Again....cease the search.
Posted by
11:43 AM
Snow Day, SC Style!
I have to laugh, it's a "blizzard" here. Read: an inch of snow and a few inches of rain. Tee, hee..... Here's a few pictures.
Only in SC would we have umbrellas in our "blizzard".
Posted by
10:09 AM