In the pool...yeah, that's the story.
Nasty pedophile special needs man (18) with the mentality of a 10 year old and the working body parts of a man was enjoying himself in the pool today, all the while leering at my 5 and 3 year old. Nice, huh?
I'm normally queen wimpo when it comes to confrontation, but this "man" has been stalking me all summer, he's very "simple" and normally just bugs me, but when you start working your magic fingers looking at my daughter's I want to rip your face off. I marched right up to him (hand in his bathing suit) and said, "Hey Preston, get your hands out of your pants, if you want to do that then you need to go home". "Ok" He left.
Scum bag. Amee (my neighbor who's 7 year old was also the apple of his nasty eye) has decided that if she sees him do it again she's going to say, "Hey Preston, if I ever see you touching yourself looking at my daughter I'm going to rip your arm off and beat you with it".
I like that option better.
I'm so disgusted....I never leave my girls alone so that's not an issue, but WTF....nasty fucking scum bag, I don't care if you're slow as molasses, get your hands out of your pants.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Spankin' the monkey.....
Posted by
9:57 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Yellow Tomatoes = Delightful
I was skeptical because they just aren't the "right" color, I know heirloom tomatoes are all hip and shit, and hell, I ordered them, but the orange and yellow ones.....I just wasn't sure, however, what a nice surprise. I'm loving the Kellogg's Breakfast's awesome, although it's a bit like biting into say a purple banana, seems somewhat forbidden.
I'm surprised I've gotten zero comments on ======> the song??? Can you not hear it? Do you not remember this song? Heather, Chris, Carol, Sarah????? c' with me, are we not back in the Marshmallow stalking Mickey or what? Humor me people.....sure it was like 20 years ago..but still some colorful memories!
I taught lessons for 2.5 hours straight yesterday, color me cold. However, I shivered all the way to the bank!
The girls are loving gymnastics and C has turned into quite a little Mary Lou, she's been the teachers demonstrator lately, which she loves. She did scare the crap out of me and did some running forward roll today, the teacher looked frightened too and immediately looked up at me in the viewing if I could do anything from two stories, and sound proof glass, away...she turned out to be fine, not even phased.
The in-laws are coming, they are leaving Boston tomorrow at 9:00 AM....I've been taught that when you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to say nothing at all...I'm going with that mantra tonight. The leave Tuesday.
We've been having some "wicked boomas" the last few days. This afternoon I went out front to take down our flag before it impaled some poor pedestrian, only to see a neighbors inflatable pool blowing by. Then I saw all 4'10 of Amee running after it. I decided not to run with her since I was in my jammies and one needs to see that kind of show, kids live here! Once Amee captured the rogue pool, she noticed that shingles were blowing off her roof, she decided not to chase them down. That sucks. I don't know what the state of my roof is because well....I was braless. It was so windy my boobs my have blown down the street for Gods sake!
Well that is all the news in Parkaland, don't know that I'll blog during the visit.........then again, maybe I will.....
Posted by
8:11 PM