So a few weeks ago, I saw a post on Craigslist about a professional photographer looking for models ages 3-13 to expand her personal portfolio. Well I emailed pictures of Frick and Frack and she said she'd like to do a session with them. In exchange for using our images for her portfolio and advertising we get two 8 x 10 pictures.
Frack loved the whole scene, she was quite the model, it was pretty funny. Frick....not so much, she just was nervous, which I would be too, so this is not her scene. I feel like a stage mom, but Frack really is good at this modeling thing.
Here is the photographer's blog, she's got Frack on the header, and there is an entry with a few of their pictures. Why do I see myself ordering way more than the two free 8 x 10's?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by
7:43 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I guess traveling will make you appreciate home. I no longer miss MA. Sure, I visited with old friends, enjoyed a great roast beef sandwich, shopped at the Christmas Tree Shop, enjoyed the beach, but it was closure. I'm not saying I'll "never" live there again, because I firmly believe in never say never, but right now I'm content with where I am, and I won't be the person that I was when I left.
Traveling when you have kids sucks. I don't like leaving my kids, especially with The Suit in tow, I enjoyed alone time with the Suit, but we get that here, I don't like getting on a plane and leaving my children. I realize this is irrational, and I'm not a white knuckle flier, the opposite actually, but the thought of leaving my kids orphans is not a nice one. Again, we could be killed on the way to dinner in a car, but somehow this seems less likely (although statistics will tell you otherwise).
So we are back. While it was nice to see everyone, I couldn't help but feel that we're too old to be re-living the Real World, it felt odd, out of sorts. Of our fellow travelers, we are the only ones with children, this sets us apart greatly, makes you feel disconnected, but at the same time, grateful for what you have. I realize and respect the decisions of all my friends, and for each of them I know they have made the right decisions for themselves, and they are truly where they should be, but it still doesn't change the fact that things change.
I feel like with some, we just relive the past, over and over, while with others we have a present, and we laugh about the now and the future, reliving the past without a present makes me sad. People age, people grow apart, people lose touch, but for a few fleeting moments here and there you connect with what was, and for those few moments, you are happy, but sad at the same time, because people change, and they lose touch.
Posted by
8:24 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Shameless plea......
kids that sell 15 items get pulled out of class and get to go to this
huge party with a bounce house, clowns, heck there is probably a pony
for all I know. I think this is a crock and insane, and I remember
when we were kids we just sold crap, and I think the person that sold
the most crap got a "prize". Something lame like a stuffed animal.
Needless to say I didn't sell much, but I digress this isn't about
Well now the PTA has upped the ante, make the poor kids feel left out
if they don't sell their share and they miss out on the special party.
All of their friends leave class and they are left to color alone,
waiting for them to return from the party with faced painted, chewing
gum, and holding all kinds of fun prizes. Nice, huh?
So you know where this is going....I've ordered some magazines, but
there aren't 15 that I want, but the prices on the magazines aren't
crazy, like ten bucks for a subscription. The other stuff, wrapping
paper, etc, well if that's your thing then by all means, order away.
So this stupid fund raiser closes as of this Friday, September 7th, as
in four days left to sell this stuff! Could you PLEASE look and see
if there is anything you might want? I swear you are all getting
cashews or empty gift bags from this place for Christmas if you don't
order something...ha,ha, but really please take a look so R can go
to this exclusive party, so she's not hounding me...PLEASE.....
Here's the link, you can order online, pay online, it's shipped to you, etc.
Posted by
8:51 PM