That since I'm getting really good at changing my blog template, that maybe I should actually do a substantive post, instead of just having people check out my template. "Hey nice template", now that is a pick up line.
The big holiday is tomorrow....Frick and Frack are most excited. Frick is heading out as none other than Dorothy (why can I only type that while singing in my best Wiggles voice?), Frack will be making her debut as a super hero. She has chosen to be Super Girl. I must admit I like her costume best, only because I made the cape, and pieced the rest together and sewed, way better than this one.
I finally got my house clean today, it's been a pigsty since everyone as been sick, I am thoroughly enjoying the smell of bleach! Not much else is going on, things are quiet, which is FINE with me, quiet is much better than sick, I'll take quiet any day!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I figure
Posted by
9:36 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sweep, sweep, sweep......
Pretty cool! Now I can get some sleep, because right now I'm officially exhausted!
Yeah, Sox!!!!!
Posted by
7:15 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
One for the team.
Press play.
It's just like being at the game. Ha, ha.
Posted by
4:26 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
If you're not in the mood for a braggy post...move on..because this one will be the epitome of brag, brag, brag.
R had her assembly yesterday for being chosen Terrific Kid in her class. She and one other girl from her class were chosen. They chose two kids from each class every nine weeks. It's based on citizenship, respect, caring, etc. I was so proud of her, she was so excited, and we promptly displayed our new bumper sticker with pride. Here she is with her teacher and the other Terrific Kid.
The other awesome thing was we had R's parent teacher conference today, and I really wasn't sure what to expect academically. We speak with Mrs. B a lot since I volunteer about R's social behavior, etc, but Mrs. B did not say much about academics. I'll admit, we watch the Leapfrog DVD's, and I read to the girls, but as far as "homeschooling" teaching, etc., we're pretty lax.
We were told that R is in the top reading group and is ahead in math and all other areas of academics. She said we should continue to read to her and encourage, but that she's gifted. Wooohooo! She did say that R has a tendency to be a bit bossy with the other kids (no...R?), and that Mrs. B is channeling that into being a leader, not the boss, I guess R is responding to that quite well and she feels it is not a problem. She also said that behavior could be from a bit of boredom with the academics. WOW.
So that felt so good to hear, I know everyone thinks their child is the smartest, but honestly I'm a realist, I hated school, did just enough to get by, going into this conference I told myself "someone has to be in the middle, someone has to be average, don't be upset if R is in that group".
So it was a good couple of days.
Of course C woke up with diarrhea today...because we wouldn't want to have a full 24 hours without someone sick in this house. WTF?
Posted by
9:52 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Two weeks tomorrow
Yep, that will be how long it has been since people were well in my house. We've have fevers (Including me), diarrhea, vomiting, more fevers, four missed days of school, 4 missed "well check" doctor's appointments for Frick and Frack to get routine vaccinations, 2 days of missed work...endless refilling of the humidifier....endless doses of meds....endless boxes of tissues....and laundry....and soiled bed linens.....the list goes on and on.
This sucks. Poor C is taking the brunt of it this time, she missed school both days this week, yesterday she was fever free (first time in 6 days), although she still didn't look quite "right" I figured her being unmedicated and fever free was great...I figured she'd be able to go to school today. Nope 3:47 AM, threw up in our room, luckily The Suit sprung into action and managed to grab a box of almost empty tissues and the kid hurled in that....change the nightgown, check temp, burning to lay in bed with Her Sickness. She looked so sad and said "Mommy, I'm not going to school tomorrow, am I?" "No, C, I don't think so" "Mommy I miss my friends"...and she proceeded to cry herself to sleep.
Breaks. My. Heart.
Today with a new day the dawn brought R on the potty with an explosion and puking in a bucket all at the same time. Multi talented kid. Another missed day of school, we haven't even had 1 full quarter yet!
Speaking of the first quarter. I got awesome news. R has been chosen "Terrific Kid" along with another little girl from her class. They choose two kids from each class every quarter, so out of 24 kids, she's one of two. I'm so proud of her, they select kids that are constantly out just kidding, they chose kids that demonstrate good citizenship, thoughtfulness, etc. I will be the proud owner of a minivan with a "My kid is a Terrific Kid at .....Elementary". And even though I've always thought those things were lame, now that I know what goes into getting such a sticker, I'm going to display it proudly!
Such a soccer mom.....really, it's scary. Say a little prayer for C that she shakes this bug, she normally is my fast healer, she's just so sad....I hate seeing her so beaten down and sick, I want my sparkly brown eyed little girl back!
Posted by
8:07 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
That party...
So you know that party that we had to sell that crap to go to? Today was the big day. R was sent home sick from school yesterday with a fever....guess who missed the big party today?
Yep, R.
Karma sure is a bitch.
Posted by
10:02 PM