I know I don't blog for like a month and then I come here to vent, nice, huh?
Background, The Suit has a professional job, he wears a suit for Christ sake! He is treated worse than if he worked at freakin' Target! He is salary, however the Bitch (his boss) does a weekly schedule, when she fuckin' feels like it. He is supposed to get his schedule on Tuesday, the work week starts on Thursday, so yes, two days notice. So say you asked me on Monday, "Hey Danyelle, want to come over for dinner on Saturday?". My reply would be, "I don't know, I don't have the Suit's schedule".
See if he worked at Target, he'd have his fucking schedule. So today is WEDNESDAY.....DO YOU THINK I KNOW HIS FUCKING SCHEDULE FOR OH...TOMORROW????? Nope, not a fucking clue. This absolutely boils my blood, nothing like being a slave to this freakin' nightmare job. His staff knows their schedule two weeks in advance, but the management walks on pins and needles around the Bitch. There are three managers that this woman schedules, all three are miserable because they don't know their schedules, they have all asked that she please give it to them by Tuesday (which I still think is ridiculously late), and she assures them every time that "You'll have it by Tuesday at noon". Well here we sit....2:32 on Wednesday..no schedule.
I want to rip this fucking woman's head off. I'm tired of being a single parent, doing every thing alone. This all started because I need to take my car in for the AC to get fixed for the third time in two weeks. Do you think I might be able to know the schedule so I don't have to fucking swelter in the 100 degree heat? Do you think? I'm so completely done, The Suit and his co-workers are like scared mice and none of them will go above the Bitch to complain....I feel like going in myself, because really I'm the one that is screwed week after week after week.
I give up, I fucking give up, if I'm doing this alone then things are going to change around here, I didn't sign up for this alone, but hell if that's the way it is then I'm in charge, I'm done playing nice. DONE.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Steaming mad!
Posted by
2:26 PM
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Seriously, Danyelle.
Tell us how you REALLY feel about The Suit's Boss.
I love an EFF Bomb Laden post. Makes me feel so mcuh better about msyelf.
WOW...I say kick the bitch's ass.. That is just freaking wrong that she can't hand out the schedules.
Wow, that sucks. He need to say something, STAT!
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