Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our first scheduled visitor.

Can you believe it Internet, we've been Sandlappers for 16 months and NO ONE, not ANYONE has bothered to visit. That's right, popular we apparently are not, until now! Heather has decided that SHE will be our first visitor. I'm nervous, we need to make this a good one so maybe some of you other lazy asses will come down and pay us a visit before the kids graduate from high school.

End of rant.

Oh one more thing, did I mention that Heather is traveling from Oregon? Yeah, she's like the farthest person from us yet, she's first. Affirms that in 9th grade in Mrs. Mital's class that even though she had poofy bangs, we were destined to be bestest friends, in spite of our mathematical challenges.

In other news, it's cold, and I don't particularly care for that. R has joined the swim team. Crazy, I know, she's 4, but she tried it a few times and decided it was her bag, so now she swims in Mommy's group. So far she's taken the role of Molly from Annie, ie cute little one that can't really keep up. I hope that changes soon (not the cute part of course) since I don't want to be nabbed for preferential treatment of my own kid, but can I not? C is still in her lesson and is basically a sunning walrus. She is so lazy. OMG, she just floats along, she can totally swim, but her swim instructor has decided that she loves her and therefore gives her tons of attention, so now C has realized that by being really lazy her nice instructor gives her even more attention when she has to constantly retrieve her from the wrong end of the pool. Good times at the Y, that's for sure.

Heather.....stop reading.

My house has been a disaster lately. I have zero motivation to neaten it. It's not dirty, I've just surrendered to the toys. C is a pack rat, like Linus, always has her wooby in one hand and some other random item in the other. She's forever bringing these things downstairs. I used to be really good at collecting stuff and returning it upstairs, not anymore, just sort of gave up. Pretty soon the entire house will look like the playroom.

Let's see Mammy asked R what she'd like for her birthday. "A seashell ornament". Note to self: explain to R the difference between Christmas and Birthdays.

In other R news, she's very OCD and suffers from a cleaning disorder, ironic considering the comments two paragraphs up, huh? I swear she makes her bed before she gets out of it. Her favorite item to use to clean is toilet paper. I love waking to the freshly toilet paper washed mirrors in the bathrooms every morning, it's like Hazel lives here. Maybe we should teach her how to start the coffee pot instead? She also enjoys using the Kandoo poop wipes for the tough surfaces like toothpaste on the counter, resourceful girl.

I think that I will get her a cleaning bucket, smock, handkerchief for her hair, and some non toxic cleaning supplies for her birthday. Would that be labeled abuse?

I swear God put C on this earth to solely drive R crazy with her far it's working like a charm.


Michelle said...

LOL! Gabe makes the bed with LB in it. Every morning I hear, "Bubby! I am STILL IN BED!" LOL

Anonymous said...

We are currently with you in the "no one visits" camp. Sucks.
